Monday, January 12, 2015

What exactly is a "Sales Ronin"?

Trying to find a unique name for a blog dealing with the subjects I'd like to talk about is a challenge.  Years ago I fell in love with the story of the 47 Ronin.  (before the movie came out)  I came very close to naming my business development firm Ronin but was talked out of it by a consultant I knew.

The story of the 47 Ronin is pretty powerful and worth doing your own research.  However, here is the cliff notes version. 

A great master was teaching a pupil who was the son of a lord.  The pupil was insolent to the master and the master struck him.  As punishment the master was ordered to commit Sepiku (ritualistic self disemboweling).  The masters 47 Samurai became Ronin, master-less samurai.  The lord feared the retaliation of the Ronin so he ordered them hunted down and tripled the guard on his home.  The Ronin went into hiding for 2 years.  Posing as everything from farmers, innkeepers, drunks, vagrants etc.  Two years later the Ronin unearthed their weapons and raided the lords home at night.  They cut off his head and placed it on the grave of their beloved master.  All 47 Ronin turned themselves in and committed Sepiku in keeping with the Bushido order.

So why name a blog after this gory tale from ancient Japan?  The story of the 47 Ronin is a story of loyalty and honor at all costs.  In my sales career I've often felt like these Samurai.  Highly trained and a master of my own environment.  I adapted and overcame virtually every obstacle put in front of me.

However, after pouring my heart and soul into my work I found myself without a company that supported me.  I was turned out much like the Ronin were when their master was killed.  So I find myself walking the earth with a great depth of skills and training but master to work for.

When I interview with a company the recruiter is usually amazed at the wide range of things I've done in my career.  As a man with a BA from an Art School I've sold everything from liquor to stocks and bonds.  Becoming a "social chameleon" and adapting everything about me to help me sell and market myself better to the audience at hand.

So why, after all this time, start a blog?  For years I dismissed the idea that anything of real value can come from a blog.  Lets face it, you don't need to be qualified in anyway to start a blog and post it for the world to see.  However, I recently decided that as a "Sales Ronin" I have a myriad of experiences and lessons learned that may help someone else.  I have the unique position of becoming the teacher for the sales Samurai of the future.

In this blog I'll cover anything and everything I know about sales and marketing.  I'll do my best to keep it light and worth the read.  At the very least I'll get this material out of my mind and on paper for when I go senile in years to come.

Hope you enjoy it!

- Justin

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